How Long Should an Engine Air Filter Last? - An Expert's Guide

As a general rule, most average drivers should be able to go a year or two before needing to replace their engine air filter. Learn more about how often you should change an engine air filter with this expert guide.

How Long Should an Engine Air Filter Last? - An Expert's Guide

As a general rule, most average drivers should be able to go a year or two before needing to replace their engine air filter. The recommended average length of service is approximately 10,000 to 15,000 miles, which for most people is approximately every year. However, this is just a recommendation and doesn't take into account individual driving situations. Replacement frequency varies by manufacturer and driving conditions, with some manufacturers saying the filter needs to be changed every 15,000 miles, while others say every two years or even every 30,000 miles or more.

The recommended interval for your vehicle will be detailed in the maintenance program section of your owner's manual. It's important to check your car's air filter once a year. Many people choose to change the filter at this time, but some mechanics say an air filter can last 15,000 to 30,000 miles. Depending on how much you travel and drive, you may not reach those numbers in a year.

Even so, you'll want to take the time to check your air filter once a year. If the filter looks dirty, it's time to change it. Do not attempt to clean the filter and use it again - a new air filter is the optimal choice to ensure that your vehicle performs at its best and stays in top shape. In addition to the engine air filter, vehicles also have a filter for the air that enters their heating, ventilation and air conditioning systems. This filter has no relation to the engine air filter and should be replaced according to the manufacturer's instructions.

If you know where your air filter is located (you can refer to your owner's manual for where to look), you can do a visual inspection. Try brushing dirt off the surface and rotating the filter 180 degrees to expose the cleaned area to the main airflow. If the car is used a lot in dusty and harsh conditions (think about driving in cities with a lot of works going on), then it is necessary to change the air filter more often. Repair shops will increase the cost of a filter and will likely charge you for the installation. Knowing some of the telltale signs of a dirty or clogged filter can prevent you from waiting too long to replace it. When the engine lacks air, the fuel mixture is said to run too rich, which in effect puts additional pressure on the engine.

Air filter replacement can be part of a general tuning service that will help you get better mileage and performance out of your vehicle. Now that you know how often to change your car's air filter, access all the information you need about your vehicle on your mobile device. Get service quotes quickly, find service recommendations, and access current and past services for your vehicle. Allow your local Jiffy Lube equipment to provide routine preventive maintenance to help keep your car running as designed.